Package ch.k43.util

Klasse KSocketClient

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class KSocketClient extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Supported TCP socket connections to non-TLS, TLS and TLS with client authentication.

- The remote host certificate must be present in the JVM trusted store to be authenticated.
- If client authentication is required by the host, the JKS file with the client certificate must be accessible.

  • Konstruktorübersicht

    KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort)
    Class constructor to open TLS-secured socket to remote host.
    KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort, boolean argTLS)
    Class constructor to open TLS-secured or non-secured socket to remote host.
    KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort, boolean argTLS, String argKeyStoreFileName, char[] argKeyStorePassword)
    Class constructor to open TLS-secured or non-secured socket to remote host with client certificate.
    KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort, String argKeyFileName, char[] argKeyFilePassword)
    Class constructor to open TLS-secured socket with client authentication to remote host.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    Close the socket connection.
    Flush the output data.
    Return name of authenticated client based on the used client certificate.
    Return common name (without CN=) of the DN (distinguished name) from the used client certificate.
    Return used TCP cipher suite (Example: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384").
    Return last error
    Return used TCP connection protocol (Example: "TLSv1.3").
    Return connection state
    Check if data is available
    read(char[] argData)
    Read socket into character array
    Read line from socket
    String representation of object.
    write(byte[] argData)
    Write byte array to socket
    write(char[] argData)
    Write character array to socket
    write(String argLine)
    Write string to socket

    Von Klasse geerbte Methoden java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Konstruktordetails

    • KSocketClient

      public KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort)
      Class constructor to open TLS-secured socket to remote host.
      argHostName - Remote host name
      argHostPort - Remote host port
    • KSocketClient

      public KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort, boolean argTLS)
      Class constructor to open TLS-secured or non-secured socket to remote host.
      argHostName - Remote host name
      argHostPort - Remote host port
      argTLS - True for TLS-secured socket, false for non-secured socket
    • KSocketClient

      public KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort, boolean argTLS, String argKeyStoreFileName, char[] argKeyStorePassword)
      Class constructor to open TLS-secured or non-secured socket to remote host with client certificate.

      - Use KClientSocket.isConnected() to see if the connection was established
      - For TLS client authentication, use the key store file name and password (JKS file)

      argHostName - Remote host name
      argHostPort - Remote host port
      argTLS - True for TLS-secured socket, false for non-secured socket
      argKeyStoreFileName - Key store file name to be loaded or null
      argKeyStorePassword - Key store file password or null
    • KSocketClient

      public KSocketClient(String argHostName, int argHostPort, String argKeyFileName, char[] argKeyFilePassword)
      Class constructor to open TLS-secured socket with client authentication to remote host.
      argHostName - Remote host name
      argHostPort - Remote host port
      argKeyFileName - Key store file name to be loaded or null
      argKeyFilePassword - Key store file password or null
  • Methodendetails

    • close

      public void close()
      Close the socket connection.
      Angegeben von:
      close in Schnittstelle AutoCloseable
    • flush

      public boolean flush()
      Flush the output data.
      Gibt zurück:
      boolean True if successful, false otherwise
    • getAuthenticatedClient

      public String getAuthenticatedClient()
      Return name of authenticated client based on the used client certificate.
      Gibt zurück:
      DN name of peer principal or null if not TLS authenticated
    • getAuthenticatedClientCN

      public String getAuthenticatedClientCN()
      Return common name (without CN=) of the DN (distinguished name) from the used client certificate.
      Gibt zurück:
      Common name of peer principal or null if not TLS authenticated
    • getCiphers

      public String getCiphers()
      Return used TCP cipher suite (Example: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384").
      Gibt zurück:
      TLS cipher suite or null
    • getLastError

      public String getLastError()
      Return last error
      Gibt zurück:
      String Error message or null
    • getProtocol

      public String getProtocol()
      Return used TCP connection protocol (Example: "TLSv1.3").
      Gibt zurück:
      TLS protocol used or null
    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected()
      Return connection state
      Gibt zurück:
      boolean True if connected, false otherwise
    • isDataAvailable

      public boolean isDataAvailable()
      Check if data is available
      Gibt zurück:
      boolean True if data is available, false otherwise
    • read

      public int read(char[] argData)
      Read socket into character array
      argData - Character buffer
      Gibt zurück:
      int Number of bytes read or -1
    • readLine

      public String readLine()
      Read line from socket
      Gibt zurück:
      String String read or null for end-of-data
    • toString

      public String toString()
      String representation of object.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      toString in Klasse Object
    • write

      public boolean write(byte[] argData)
      Write byte array to socket
      argData - Byte array to be written
      Gibt zurück:
      boolean True if successful, false otherwise
    • write

      public boolean write(char[] argData)
      Write character array to socket
      argData - Character array to be written
      Gibt zurück:
      boolean True if successful, false otherwise
    • write

      public boolean write(String argLine)
      Write string to socket
      argLine - String to be written
      Gibt zurück:
      boolean True if successful, false otherwise