Class KLogSMTPHandler
Java logging handler to send logging data to an SMTP host. To avoid a high number of emails sent to the server,
only log data of type error SEVERE is sent. Additionally the number of emails per minutes is restricted.
The following properties are supported:
ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.mail.from = Sender email address = recipient(s) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.mail.subject = subject (default "KLog Error Report") ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.smtp.hostname = host name (default MX record of first recipient domain) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.smtp.hostport = host port (default 25) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.smtp.username = user name for authentication (default none) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.smtp.password = user password for authentication (default none) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.smtp.tls = true/false (default true) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.threshold = nn (maximum number of emails per minute, 1 to 10, default 3) ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler.debug = true/false (Output sent to System.out/System.err, default false)
- Since:
- 2024.08.26
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.util.logging.Handler
getEncoding, getErrorManager, getFilter, getFormatter, getLevel, isLoggable, setEncoding, setErrorManager, setFilter, setFormatter, setLevel