All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- generateHash(String, byte[]) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return compute Hash (MD5, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 or SHA3-512)
- generateRSAKeyPair() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Generate RSA-4096 public/private key pair.
- get(String) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Execute HTTP GET request.
- get(String, Properties) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Execute HTTP GET request and set HTTP request headers.
- getAuthenticatedClient() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Return name of authenticated client based on the used client certificate.
- getAuthenticatedClient() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Return name of authenticated client based on the used client certificate.
- getAuthenticatedClientCN() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Return common name (without CN=) of the DN (distinguished name) from the used client certificate.
- getAuthenticatedClientCN() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Return common name (without CN=) of the DN (distinguished name) from the used client certificate.
- getCertificate(String, char[], String) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Get certificate from JKS keystore file.
- getCiphers() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Return used TCP cipher suite (Example: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384").
- getCiphers() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Return used TCP cipher suite (Example: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384").
- getColumnCount() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get number of columns in result set.
- getColumnNames() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get column names in result set.
- getColumnWidths() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get column widths in result set.
- getCurrentDir() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Deprecated.Use K.CURRENT_DIRECTORY instead
- getCurrentVersionNumber() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return the currently available version of this package.
- getData() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get fetched data as an ArrayList (rows) with an array of Objects (columns).
- getDataAsCSV() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as CSV string.
- getDataAsCSV(char) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as CSV string.
- getDataAsCSV(char, boolean) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as CSV string delimited by the passed character (Example: ',')
- getDataAsJSON() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as JSON string
- getDataAsTable() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as display table with column headers
- getDataAsTable(boolean) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as display table
- getDataAsXML() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as XML UTF-8 string
- getDataAsYAML() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get result set formatted as YAML string
- getElapsedMilliseconds() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KTimer
Return elapsed time in milliseconds.
- getElapsedTime() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get elapsed time of last SQL statement.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get last error message.
- getErrorMessage() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSMTPMailer
Get last error message.
- getHead(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogCSVFormatter
Set CSV header.
- getHead(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogJSONFormatter
Set header.
- getHead(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogXMLFormatter
Set header.
- getHead(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogYAMLFormatter
Set header.
- getIPAddress(String) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return IP address of hostname
- getJVMCPUCount() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return number of processors for the JVM.
- getJVMMemStats() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return JVM memory statistics.
- getJVMName() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Deprecated.Use K.JVM_VERSION_NAME instead
- getJVMPlatform() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Deprecated.Use K.JVM_PLATFORM instead
- getJVMVersion() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Deprecated.Use K.JVM_MAJOR_VERSION instead
- getLastError() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return the last error message.
- getLastError() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Return last error message.
- getLastError() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Return last error
- getLastError() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketServer
Return last error.
- getLastError() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Return last error.
- getLastErrors() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return the last error messages.
- getLevel() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.KLog
Get logger level.
- getLineSeparator() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Deprecated.Use K.LINE_SEPARATOR instead
- getLocalHostAddress() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return local TCP/IP address.
- getLocalHostName() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return local TCP/IP host name
- getMessageSize() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSMTPMailer
Get size of last message sent.
- getPasswordHash(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Generate hash from password with salt.
- getPasswordHash(String, String) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Generate hash from password with salt.
- getPrivateKey(String, char[], String, char[]) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Get private key from JKS key store file.
- getProtocol() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Return used TCP connection protocol (Example: "TLSv1.3").
- getProtocol() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Return used TCP connection protocol (Example: "TLSv1.3").
- getPublicKey(String, char[], String) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Get public key from JKS key store file.
- getRandomBytes(int) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return random bytes generated by the SecureRandom class.
- getRandomInt(int, int) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return random integer between the given range.
- getResponseCode() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Return last HTTP response code.
- getResponseDataAsBytes() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Return HTTP response data.
- getResponseDataAsString() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Return HTTP response data.
- getResponseHeaders() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Return last HTTP response headers.
- getResponseTimeMs() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KHTTPClient
Get response time of last HTTP request in milliseconds.
- getRowCount() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get number of rows read or updated.
- getSize(String) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.KFile
Return size of file.
- getStartTime() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Deprecated.Use K.START_TIME instead
- getStartTime() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KTimer
Return start time.
- getTableName() - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get table name of first column of result set.
- getTableName(int) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KDB
Get table name of given column number.
- getTail(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogJSONFormatter
Set JSON footer.
- getTail(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogXMLFormatter
Set footer.
- getTail(Handler) - Method in class ch.k43.util.KLogYAMLFormatter
Set YAML footer.
- getTimeISO8601() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return current date and time in ISO 8601 format (Example: "2024-02-24T14:12:44.234").
- getTimeISO8601(Calendar) - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return date and time in ISO 8601 format (Example: "2024-02-24T14:12:44.234").
- getUniqueID() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return unique id (Example: 27F1E0F5-186F-48FF-BA46-10E6E4A0FAA0).
- getUTCOffsetAsString() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return offset from local time zone to UTC as string (Example +02:00).
- getUTCOffsetMin() - Static method in class ch.k43.util.K
Return difference in number of minutes between UTC and the local time zone.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values