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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte


read(char[]) - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Read socket into character array
read(char[]) - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Read socket into character array.
readByteFile(String) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KFile
Read file into byte array.
readJSONFile(String) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KFile
Read JSON file and parse content into org.json.JSONObject.
readLine() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Read line from socket
readLine() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Read line from socket.
readPropertiesFile(String) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KFile
Read properties file.
readStringFile(String) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KFile
Read file into string.
rename(String, String) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KFile
Rename a file or directory.
resetLevel() - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KLog
Reset logger level to the configured level in
rollback() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KDB
Rollback transaction.
round(double, int) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.K
Return rounded value.
roundSwiss(double) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.K
Return rounded value according to the "Swiss Rounding Rule 5+".
run() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Main thread entry point - Will be overwritten by user class.
run() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThreadSample
Thread main entry point (called by KSocketServerListener).
run() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KThread
Start thread by calling method kStart().
runGC() - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.K
Manually run garbage collector of Java virtual machine.
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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte