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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte


ch.k43.util - Package ch.k43.util
close() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KDB
Close the JDBC connection.
close() - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KLog
Close the logging.
close() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KLogJDBCHandler
Close the handler.
close() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KLogSMTPHandler
Close the handler.
close() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketClient
Close the socket connection.
close() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketServer
Stop the socket server by terminating the KSocketServerListener thread.
close() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KSocketServerThread
Close the socket connection.
commit() - Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.KDB
Commit transaction.
compressZLIB(byte[]) - Statische Methode in Klasse ch.k43.util.K
Compress the passed data using the ZLIB algorithm.
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Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen|Alle Packages|Konstantenfeldwerte